Terms of Service

General Terms And Conditions Unless mentioned in the description of the order, do not change any of the account information (email/password) or else warranty will be voided. If an account doesn’t work, contact Live Chat through Telegram or Discord within the specified hour of the purchase being made to obtain a replacement account. Contacting the live chat after specified hours voids warranty. Damon Services Shop is not entitled to provide a replacement account if the original account no longer works after the 1 hour mark from the purchase date. All sales are final. Damon Services Shop and any parties associated are not responsible for any buyer conduct after purchase. Expectations and Proper Conduct The product(s) will be delivered to the specified email during the checkout process once the transaction is complete. Once acquired, it is the buyer's duty and responsibility to use the account immediately and notify the live chat of any discrepancies. These products come with a 1-hour warranty. When sending documentation, please be as clear and brief as possible. You will only be compensated for the deficient amount. It is crucial to remember that the warranty only applies to the account of said product. Damon Services Shop and said parties are not liable for the usage, stores acceptance or any other particular regarding the product. ALL SALES ARE FINAL. Buyers' remorse is not a basis for exchanges at Damon Services Shop. Although Damon Services Shop has a strong "NO REFUND" policy, there may be highly unusual circumstances involving Acts of God that call for such action, at Damon Services Shop's exclusive discretion.